Buy and sell goods using cryptocurrency

Ecommerce & blockchain
We want to use cryptocurrency for its transactional efficiencies in order to build the best platform to sell items on. Forra is designed to be a marketplace that empowers sellers.
Cheapest way to sell online
When you sell something using Forra you do not pay any fees
Earn cryptocurrency
Selling your items allows you to gain more crypto without having to buy it.
A new audience
Existing business owners have a whole new audience to market towards.
Start a business
You can build your own store in less than 5 minutes.
Safely spend cryptocurrency
on your favorite things
Using your cryptocurrency as a traditional currency will help with adoption. Forra provides a safe environment for buyers to have a smooth checkout.
A place to spend cryptocurrency
Our marketplace allows easy cryptocurrency transactions with Bitcoin, Ethereum, and Litecoin.
Secure Escrow
Funds are safety held in escrow while the transaction is processed.

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