Starting A Private Labelling Business | Everything You Need To Know
August 22, 2018

August 22, 2018
Private Labelling – The Ultimate How To Guide To Get Started
Private labelling is a scalable way to grow an online ecommerce business. Private labelling is a process that involves selling a product under a brand that you create.
Most internet entrepreneurs dream about the opportunity of creating a brand. Private labelling is for the people who want to create something from scratch.
Private labelling is one of the hottest ways to make money online. Everyone has heard of Shopify, Amazon, eBay and other marketplaces.
A lot of private labelling guides are directed toward Amazon. Amazon is a powerful marketplace for online business owners. The major flaw with Amazon is its fees. Taking at least 15% from its users is a steep toll to pay. I think it will continue to be worth it to sell on Amazon as a private label business, but we are building a similar platform for private label sellers.
White labelling and private labelling are practically synonyms with one another.
Different ways and methods of private selling
There are a ton of different outlets and ways to call private labelling. This is basic overview of the platforms and methods to private label.
White Labelling
When you white label sell something you are following the same rules and starting fundamentally the same business as a private label seller. All of the tips and tricks you learn in this guide about being a private label seller are applicable to grow your white labelling service.
The Plus Side of Private Labelling
Private labelling will teach you a ton of unique skills for growing an online business. There are plenty of free resources online. We think that the information in this guide is the best information online because we will share with you how to avoid paying up to 25% of fees when you sell online.
Private labelling is one of the most fun ways to start a business online. You can build a brand and take it as far as you are willing to go.
Private Labels Can Be Easily Scaled
The ability to scale in any business is the difference maker between thousands and millions. The best part about private labelling products is the fact that it all scales. When you have a demand for your product that you create scaling becomes the easiest part of your business. Scaling an online business can take many forms and shapes. The best way to think about scale is for Every $1 you put into your online business you get $1.x back. Scale is the idea getting a return no matter the money spent on your business. This is very possible in private labelling and we will go into detail about it later.
Starting a private label can be fast
The bright side of private labelling is that you can do it fast so long as you have the basic skills to do so. Speed can be positive or negative depending on your knowledge. If you have opened up some type of online business on Amazon, eBay, or Etsy then you are miles ahead of the competition. Finish reading the rest of our private labelling guide to maximize your online businesses presence.
Skills needed for running a private label business
The skills you pick up as a private labeler are some of the fundamental skills you need to know in order to own any successful business. There are many skills needed to take your private labeling business to the next level. A basic overview of a few of the skills you need are the following.
Market research – Know where there is an opportunity in a market.having the ability to recognize a market.
Finding and sourcing a product – This is a key phase in any hardware startup. You need to find a way to create your product or go out and buy it.
Building a brand – Marketing and building a brand is vital to any business. Selling online as a white label or private labeler is a great way to learn how to start a brand.
The Negative Side of Private Labelling
Sourcing products for your private label
Both a blessing and a curse. Sourcing a really good product can and will take a while your first. Due to the long shipping times, first time buyers for the most part to not say that sourcing is the most rewards or fun part of the business. Sourcing can be a headache if you look in the wrong direction. You need to be on Alibaba. Alibaba is your best friend throughout the sourcing process.
Have meetings, take the time to understand the people selling you the products. Dig them for other sellers like themselves. You will be surprised what some of these people offer or do for you. We will go further into sourcing your product for your private label business later.
Costs when running a private label company
The con of starting a private labeling business is that you will have to to pay upfront for your inventory. This upfront inventory cost can be expensive, but typically will range in the $500 – $2,000 range. The costs will typically entail a few product tests. A test will be a sourced product that you receive from overseas. I would recommend ordering multiple of the sample products if you are serious about private labeling the product. Open on and use it yourself, sell the rest online and test the demand before making a large purchase from your manufacturer.
Fees on marketplaces for private labelling
Fees are a thing of the past on our platform. That is why we personally feel we are the best place to build a private labeling service. If you are looking how to grow your private labeling business the one thing you should take away from it is this. In order to make more money you need to increase your margin. Private labeling on amazon is what most people do, but they take sometimes over 20% in fees if you use their FBA service. If you want to instantly have a 20% larger business you might want to avoid paying that fee.
Time involved in starting a private label
A massive con to owning your own private label business is the amount of time it takes to get it all right. The longest part of this process is the shipping time. It typically takes around 3 weeks from when you order and item for samples to receive it. 3 weeks to start a business is not terrible, but who is to say everything goes as planned? Truthfully it will most likely take you around 2 months to start a private label business. From my experience it takes a while to do the following. This is a basic timeline for starting a private label business assuming you have the knowledge to get it all done. (read this guide and you will):
- Find a product – 1 week
- Talk to people overseas and figure out how to get it cheap – 1-2 weeks
- Order the product – 3 weeks shipping
- Test, list, photography – 2 weeks
- Marketing – 3 weeks
This should not defer you from starting your own online business. Now that Forra is around there has never been a better place to start your online business. The amount of fees you save using our platform make its well worth to start a private label business over the Amazon. We aim to become the crowd favorite. If you are interested in joining our community please talk to us on Discord.
Getting stuck starting a private label
Getting stuck when you are first starting a private label or amazon fba business can be a hard hurdle to conquer. The amount of content, ideas, and thoughts about growing a private label business is crazy. Sometimes you hit a point where you find yourself looking up more information than you are actually doing. As someone who has been there and built products on amazon I would have really wished that I had a group of people I could talk about what I should be doing next, or how I can improve. Getting stuck takes time away from your main mission. With a way to connect to other people with a similar goal is a great way to get over the hurdle of being stuck.
The multiple layers in a private label company
The different layers and services you use as a private label or white label entrepreneur go very deep. At the very least you will be using 3 services during this entire private labelling process. You can find yourself digging deeper into the services you use and wish to explore. As someone who has looked into many different services, tools, and ways to build a private label service I would focus on what is going to make me the most money. The best places to build a private label business quickly is on a marketplace. If you are serious about building your product you will figure out what marketplace will be suit your particular niche. This is unique to each product that you sell. If you have a product that caters toward some type of a crowd go where that crows already is. If you are looking to maximize your private label business you need to leverage already existing platforms in order to scale.
If you are going to explore any specific layers to master them I would recommend doing one of two things. Look into an aspect or tool/platform that you can get a job in outside of building your private label business, or truly understanding your target audience and focussing in on finding them wherever they might be.
Dealing with failure in a private label business
In this business failure is your friend. Fail fast, fail hard, but fail forward. Assuming you are a total rookie at selling anything online you’ll know this motto is true. Dealing with failure as an online seller is hard, not fun, and can discourage you to the point of quitting.
Do not let that happen! If you think you have it all and you will succeed you will often fail. Only the paranoid survive is a fantastic book on management by Andy Grove. To sum up one of his business philosophies you need to think about failure in order to succeed.
You will fail as a private label selling during some point in the long and lengthy process of sourcing and selling an item online. There are many steps that are involved. You will slip up at one point. Or even fail on an entire product that you feel certain about.
The most important part of failure is to learn from it. Most successful startup founders have had several businesses, and ideas before the one that makes them any money. Do not let failure discourage you from achieving what you once set out to do.
If you feel ever feel like quitting, remember why you once started.
You can do this.
How to start your own private labeling business
That we have set aside some of the positives and negatives to starting a private label business lets break down the steps to actually going about and doing that. I will go into detail about each step, but I think that is best to do each and when you are ready move to the next. Do not over research the private labelling process, you will find yourself paralysed from the amount of information. Instead of going about and actually starting you will just be learning on how. Simply doing is the fastest way to learn anything. This guide will give you the backbone you need to be a very successful white labeller.
Find what works for you
It can seem like a foolish idea to some people to start a business they are not passionate about. You need to find what works for you. This is different for every person. Most private label sellers are not looking to reinvent the wheel or market a brand new product. The majority of people are looking to rebrand an existing product.
What Makes A Good Private Label Product
This is one of the most important parts of this entire guide to private labelling. What makes the best product is a product of industry you are really passionate about. There are products all around us. If you are a rookie and are just getting into private labelling you can probably think of a hobby you have where you have bought something small, made in china, for around $20-$200. These are the kinds of items that typically meet our criteria. I would suggest to start with small items. Not necessarily cheap, but small.
If you can think of a few items in niches that you really enjoy I would highly recommend giving them a quick search on Alibaba so you have a basic idea on the margin involved in the items when you go to resell an item on a marketplace such as Amazon and use amazon fba. Shopify is as well another good solution for a private label business. However, we think we will be the best place to launch a private label business and will explain why later on in our guide. There are a few other important factors if you pick an item outside of what you already know.
Leverage existing search engines
If you are serious about private label selling you at one point need to understand how to use search engines to your advantage. The massive advantage of search engines is the existing volume that they provide. If people are already searching for these things that should go to tell you there is a demand for your product.
Because the Amazon and Ebay search queries can be tracked you have an idea on what people are already looking for.
It is pretty easy to build a business on top of a word that people want, but finding that particular word can be difficult. Depending on the way that you want to start your private labelling business. Private labelling can be done on any platform this way and leverage any search engine. Competition matters if you are going into the product or brand solely for the purpose of SEO.
Marketplace search engines work by promoting the item that sells the most for a particular word or phrase. Make sure you are working hard to ensure that sales and transactions are happening when people look up key terms that you rank for.
Build a business around your passion
Building an online business around your passion is the best way to do it. Most successful people have passion for what the do. You need it to. Without passion you will be grinding away at something you do not want. As you further yourself as an online seller and go down the endless rabbithole of making money online guides and ways to make more money with your product online product remember the goal of a private label seller but stay true to what works for you. There is no straightforward strategy for making a ton of money online. You can to refine it to fit your interests and lifestyle. Just because one thing works for someone doesn’t mean it will always work for you and your business
Searching for opportunity as a private label seller
Entrepreneurship is all about spotting opportunities or creating them yourself. Learn to know what one looks like. As a private labeller you make the majority of your money on items that already have a buzz going for them. Keeping that in mind you need to find a high volume keyword with very low competition and build a product around that opportunity. This is where I have had most success. The way to go about and do this is to simply cross reference alibaba or other similar sites to look for better products than what it up there.
Browse from a new perspective
Searching for opportunity involves you browsing the selling platform you wish to use for your business. This can be performed in different ways. I would suggest you cross reference all of the marketplaces that you can private label on. Do ebay, Amazon, Forrs, and google searches to see how hard it would be to start a shopify store based upon the competition around those words. Without any prior knowledge of the items you wish to sell online a tell tale sign of someone actually caring about their product is reviews. If a product has a ton of reviews you can assume that person has done their due diligence and is working hard at improving their business. When you learn what it takes to grow a private labelling business you will understand the meta of online selling. The search engines are your playing field.
A valuable lesson: Let’s say you can tell someone has a private label business on Amazon for a certain niche or keyword and they clearly have a profitable private label business you should test other marketplaces and see what is going on there If eBay or Forra do not have the same types of business you should think about starting one on eBay or Forra instead of competing for the same business on Amazon.
Be a private label seller doesn’t mean one solution fits all. It means selling as much of an item in a brand you create online. Look to see what other people are doing.
Knowing your margin in private label selling
Forra is the one place to sell online where margin hardly matters. Forra sellers pay only gas fees when selling an item. This is how gas is calculated. Forra is by far the cheapest place to do business online so margin is less of on an issue on our marketplace. However, on other marketplaces such as Amazon, eBay, or Etsy you are really pinned down and hindered by the fees as a seller. Amazon FBA is an amazing service for people who sell at scale. However, this can kill your margin and even make starting impossible depending on the product. If you product is over a foot long in any direction or weighs over 5 pounds Amazon will hurt your business in fees but help it grow with its traffic.
This is a basic fee structure on what you can expect to on different marketplaces for sellers.
Online selling fees
Forra – Buyers pay 3% but are avoid taxes by using crypto anyway.
Amazon – Typically 15% – Up to 25% range when using FBA.
eBay – 13% fees plus other fees. Listing fees, auction fees, etc.
The rule of thumb for running a profitable private label business is to double your money on each product and sale. This way you are ensured that you will be profitable. Add up all cost require to figure this number out. Packaging, shipping, etc.
If you can not double your money you need to possibly move to a marketplace with lower fees or find a different product.
Meeting manufacturers for your private label business
Once you have a really good idea on what type of product or niche you would like to start to private label with you need to actually find the exact product you are going to private label. This is where things get tricky. So I will lay it out as simply as possible.
- Log on to Alibaba
- Search Alibaba to have an idea and contact the people who have items you are interested in. Keep the message basic.
- If you do not have luck on Alibaba google search is your friend! I have found some of the best things on page 30 of a google search. Be super specific in your google searches. You are looking for people who make things overseas so you need to realize they will most likely have very poor seo and hard to find. Put in the work searching for the right products.
- Foster relationships. In this business you will have people constantly asking and pitching you new product. Keep the people you are contacting somewhat organized. Sometimes other people will show you a really great private label product.
- Order a sample. If you have a feeling you will love the product and the margin is there order a large sample amount. Like 10-50 I will explain why in a bit.
The difference between trade companies and manufactures.
Trade companies and manufacturers are a bit different. Trade companies are good to use when you run a small private label business. Trade companies have a relationship with manufacturers and typically require lower MOQs. They can be useful, but they are not always the only way to get a certain product so shop around for a better price.
How to tell if a private label product manufacturer is right for you
You want to buy form the person who cares about you and your business. If someone on the other end is a “me” focused person I would try to avoid them. There are a lot of scam companies as well. If that person on the other end is not willing to use paypal or some type of an escrow service when they do transactions you need to do some serious thinking or research into the company you are dealing with. There is no good reason why a manufacturer would not allow you to use some type of an escrow for the trial run.
Once you have an existing relationship with the seller they will ask you to do a direct transfer or do something to avoid those paypal fees. If you feel like you trust them go for it! They will love you that much more. There are scams out there but there are far more legitimate people trying to grow their business as well. They are focussed on producing volume. As private label sellers we need to focus on margin and selling an item for as much as possible based on what is already selling.
Negotiating With Manufacturers in a private label business
If you really like a certain set of products or product enough you will eventually want to make a purchase and finally start your private label business! There are a ton of buying strategies but I want to keep this guide specific to private labeling.
The most powerful negotiation strategy the I ever used in private labeling was what I will call the sample strategy. The sample strategy involves ordering more than one sample. Simple. Here is why, at the point where you are almost certain some want to start selling on amazon, ebay, etsy or forra as a private label seller you need to test the demand and you hypothesis as cheap as possible.
You will find that many manufacturers ask for a minimum order quantity (MOQ) when you are purchasing something. Sometimes they are in the thousands and that can seem intimidating. To get around the MOQs you should try and order around 20 or so for “people around the office” use this to get as many samples as you feel you need to make sense of the deal, but be realistic. If the manufacture or trade group has a low MOQ then dont expect many samples.
You should then go all out and test your hypothesis to see if you can sell them before taking on a ton of financial risk, or finances that you can use elsewhere. Typically into growing your private label business
Marketing a private label business
Growth fixes everything in any startup. The same goes for any ecommerce business. Growing your brand and going zero to a million in sales requires vigorous effort around finding new return customers. Once you can figure out the lifetime value of people of potential customers.
The lifetime value is a stat that is really important in marketing. It associates a $$ amount based on the customer profile. For example, it costs us $5 to get a customers information and on average after 3 months of us marketing to them and staying in contact they are worth $15. That positive lifetime value is what we want. These are some of the ways to go about and create a positive lifetime value.
Facebook – Reviews, and growing your private label
When I was a full time private label seller I learned that the facebook reviews are a huge needle mover early on, but that is not the only thing you can use facebook for. Facebook is a great way to communicate with potential customers and communities in your niche. The best thing you can do would be to join specific groups pertaining to whatever goal you need to grow.
Reviews! The social proof of your private label
In order to grow your marketplace business reviews are a must. The reviews your product has are the lifeblood and social proof you need for customers to feel like they made a comfortable purchase.
Reviews please the number one thing in a marketplace search engine as well. Sales. Marketplaces focus on one thing. Transactions. If you found a private label product you should consider getting reviews and paying the out of pockets prices that come up from getting reviews. Early on this is super important. As you become a better private label seller you will realize that building up a list of people is the easiest way to get reviews.
Don’t sleep on reviews. They will dramatically improve your search presence, and overall conversion rate.
Find a place to be seen – Showcase your private label
This seem like a no brainer, but you have to understand where to market your products and what to do to get seen by potential customers. If you are new to selling on amazon, ebay, etsy, or forra then you should probably start by starting a business around your passions because you probably already know where the community is and what type of problems they have.
If you start a private label business you need figure out where people’s attention is for those types of products. You can private label anything but most successful private label businesses use marketplaces. If you wish to use your own site you can build a private label business on shopify. If you do you should
Leverage search engines to sell more products
This is the best part of using a marketplace is the traffic. Online marketplaces are the same concept as malls. Each store feeds off on another in order to make money off the flow of customers.
Using this methodology you will become a better ecommerce entrepreneur. You want to pay as little in fees as possible. Which is one of the reasons we created Forra. The search feature in Amazon, Etsy, eBay, and Forra all yield different results. Take what is working on one platform and move it to the next. This is a great way to build a passive income business. Getting a search engine based business off the group can take a lot of hard work and trial and error to figure it all out.
Build A Following for your private label
One of the easiest ways to make money online, start a business, or earn passive income would be to have a following. A real following can make running a private label business much easier. If you are already one of the go to people in a certain niche on social media you already have potential customers attention. The number one thing I can think of to grow any type of ecommerce businesses would be to gain a potential customers attention online and nurture them into a paying customer. This means social media followers, people on an email list, a way to repeatedly connect with someone. Building a real brand is the best way to really increase your business as a whole assuming you take advantage of all other avenues.
If you are running a private label business on shopify you need to focus on this. If you feel like you are near capped out on a product grown using search engines you need to move your business elsewhere to grow.
Use every channel to grow your pirvate label business
If you are going to run a successful online business in general you will need to use everything in your power to succeed. An entrepreneur is measured by what they do. You need to use everything in your power to succeed and bring people to your store no matter where it is located or hosted. Go hard or go home. There is no in between our guide to becoming a private labeller is not filled with fluff or bullshit. This is what is required to build a successful online business. If you read another guide on private labelling that claims it is easy, you can can make passive income easily or do anything without working extremely hard turn the other way.
Do everything in your power to sell whatever it is online. No one is watching you or being your boss during this. You need to leverage what you know and use it to your advantage to better a better ecommerce business owner. The channels I touched up are the basics because the best thing is to master whatever channel where your customer is and creating some content that they want to see.
If you want to be successfull you will figure this out yourself.
Educating yourself in private labelling
Staying educated in the industry is a large part of the game. You need to stay ahead. Just showing up and doing your due diligence really matters in growing a business. Take the time to learn to grow, and expand your knowledge.
Understand the backbone of scaling your private label business
Scaling is a huge term in business that is talked about. People have a certain stigma about scaling a private label business. Most people think that the only way to run a big private labelling business at scale is with Amazon. That is far from true in this day and age. FBA will help you scale your business but it will also eat it and possibly kill it. It all depends on your particular products and ecommerce business.
Scaling is a process that is easily repeatable. An easily repeatable process is what you need in order to grow as an ecommerce related business.
Understanding the fees in private labeling
Private labelling can sometimes be a very slim margin business prior to Forra. Forra allows people to operate at a much higher margin. We are by far the cheapest way to do business online from a seller perspective. When you private label you need to understand how scaleable your business is as a whole. Amazon, Ebay, Etsy, and Shopify are all extremely popular to build a private label business on top of, but they all take a good chunk of your business.
Here are some of the fees that you need to know as a private label seller.
Amazon fees – Fees involving Amazon can be really difficult to understand or fully know until you go ahead and try to list a similar item, or create a dummy listing of the exact dimensions of your items. If you are using Amazon to build a private label business you need to use amazon FBA if anything for the SEO benefit. This should give you a rough idea of the fees you will face. Amazon fee calculator.
Amazon fees are typically $.99 per listing sold + 15% of the total bill of sales + Fba fees.
If you are using FBA figure your amazon bills be around 25% of your business on their platform. Possibly even more.
Ebay fees are right around 13% of the total cost of the sale. However, eBay has a few extras that you sometimes need to pay for. Buy it nows cost additional money to have listed for example.
Etsy fees are relatively low, but the site is very niche specific and driven. They have certain criteria to even sell on their site.
Forra fees are basically nonexistent. We are built on a blockchain to use it for its transactional efficiencies. Because we use cryptocurrency we are actually able to charge sellers zero fees and still run a profitable marketplace. Our business model is the cheapest place to sell online. We are charging the buyers 3% as a new tax on purchases since there is no such crypto tax.
The equation you need to understand
All costs of product + cost to make a purchase happen + marketplace fees = Profit
Obviously, this is super basic but know your numbers! It will make or break you.
What It Takes To Succeed As A Private Label Business Owner
You might even find this massive guide on becoming a profitable private label seller through google somehow searching questions to yourself such as “how can I run a profitable private label business”, “starting a private label business” “how to make more money as a private labeller” stuff like that. The basic how to start or how to improve a private label business. The honest truth of it is this. Running a private label business is as difficult as any other business. You have to do whatever it is you need to do to succeed.
If you are looking for the ultimate tip in private labelling I would suggest stay away from the passive income advice. If you think running a successful business can be passive at first you are wrong. Ask for more. This is how to run a successful private labelling business in 2018 and beyond. Regardless if you want to sell on amazon, eBay, Etsy, or Forra.
Working late nights as a private label seller
Late nights as a business owner typically means research and looking for way to grow. You need to be on top of everything. Reading this guide, or any other piece of content does not make you a nexpert. Going out and doing it does. The hardest part about building a private label business is to put in the work. If you are thinking you can just sit back and watch the money pour in after starting a private label business you need to rethink your whole approach. It is not as easy as it sounds. It takes hard work to have any profitable online business. Having a profitable private label business is just ass difficult, if not more difficult. You need to work harder than the competition.
A need for feedback for your private label product
Reviews can really make or break your amazon private labelling business. Getting feedback and reviews from your customer is what you need to take your business to the next level. This is something that stays true to forra as well. You can talk to the founders of forra in the discord.
Feedback in an ecommerce business is its lifeblood. Asking for feedback is free marketing. Look on reddit or other groups, ask people who might potentially buy your product what they think. Let them purchase it at a discount in exchange for a review. You need to do whatever it takes to make your product as appealing as you can. You only have a few seconds to catch someone’s attention.
Launching private label products over and over.
Ecommerce brands and businesses can be very easy to start and launch. You need to figure that once you own a search phrase you can launch another product very easily. The ease of launch will become increasingly easy as time goes on. You will have better relationships with manufacturers and a head on your shoulders. Learn from your mistakes. Private labelling could fail 3 times before you succeed. It is your job as an ecommerce seller to learn to grow your business. Launch fast, grow fast, move quickly.
Finding scale at a private label business
Finding scale as a ecommerce seller is hard depending on your business model. Luckily a private labelling business can be an easy thing to scale due to you starting a business that already has a demand. Products that have a demand already are far easier to scale than creating a new product from scratch and selling it online. Scale can mean different things for different people. If you are having an easy time moving products maybe you need to scale up your marketing efforts to sell more. If you are having a hard time shipping your items out then you need to scale in labor. Doing whatever your business needs in order to grow with the least amount of resistance is what you should prioritize. Building out systems for the hard things will help you grow faster.
Strategies For Growing your Private Labeling Business
The best strategy for growing your private label business is to know what your customer already wants and have a competitive price point. Having a product that you know people want is something that can make or break a private labelling business. Growing a private label business can be thought of in different ways.
When I say grow a private label business that can mean multiple things. You need to define growth for your ecommerce business. Growth can mean making more sales on Amazon, having more SKUs to sell, improving revenue, improving margin, having a bigger audience. Growing your private labelling business is the one thing that you need to define. I can give you a few solid tips on how to grow your ecommerce business.
Growing your private label business to make more money
In order to make more money you need to figure out what is costing you money. Figure out where you can cut costs. If you need to stop buying certain boxes to make more money stop buying them. In order to make more money you need to grow. Really focus on the marginal contribution of your products and figure out what to do in order to squeeze the most out of your ecommerce business. Hopefully a private labelling ecomm business.
Growing your private label business by adding more products
Adding products to your private label business can be a great strategy to increase your business as a whole. The majority of people who find success in private labelling find it from creating many SKUs. This is not always the right approach to growing a large white labelling business on Amazon or any other platform. If you feel a product is near capped out if you plan to sell on a marketplace and take advantage of only the search engines. Then you should think about starting the same process over again to get a new product off the ground.
Growing your private label business by using multiple marketplaces
Growing your Amazon FBA private label business can be hard to do, but anyone can do it. Amazon is very competitive. Throughout this entire guide on starting how to run a private label business, we speak about leveraging search engines. This means going to other places and assuming similar patterns. For example, if a popular search query is “Electric thermometer” on Amazon you can assume that will carry over to another marketplace like Forra. If no one has a business for this search term on another marketplace there is a probably an opportunity for you to grow yours.
Forras advantage for private labelling
The massive advantage over Amazon and eBay that Forra has is the low fees. Right now, we are entirely free for all sellers to use. Buyers are the ones that pay fees because we are using crypto for its transactional efficiencies we are able to maintain a low total fee of 3% paid by the buyer per transaction. That is just a bit more than a credit card processing company charges and we include the entire escrow and customer service as well.
Using Forra to your advantage as a private label business owner
Forra is a new marketplace that can expose your brand to thousands of new customers. You can grow your brand far faster where the competition is low. Selling your items to a completely wide open playing field is something that an opportunistic entrepreneur should take advantage of. We think that we are going to be one of the biggest breakthroughs for private labelling business owners.