Forra Escrow
October 8, 2018
October 8, 2018
Forra Escrow Service
One of our goals at Forra is to allow people to feel comfortable about using and spending your cryptocurrency.
Whenever something is listed and sold on our marketplace Forra handles the entire escrow process. We decided to title our escrow Forra Buyer protection because the escrow initiates once the buyer makes their purchase.
Step by step: How our escrow works
Assuming you have already listed your item here. The escrow initiates once the buyer makes their purchase.
- The buyer checks out.
- Funds are then sent to Forra
- We turn funds into a stable coin
- Seller uploads tracking information
- Funds are held until the package is marked received, or until 30 days if there is no follow up from the buyer.
- Funds are released to the seller
Having an escrow is very important in creating a viable cryptocurrency marketplace.If you have any further questions you are welcome to talk to the people responsible for creating forra in the discord.
by Forra